I have great pleasure in presenting to you, the Annual Report which is comprised of the achievements made during the year gone by and at the same time set the path for greater accomplishments in the years to come. We have always been committed to create an environment in the school which helps the young minds to blossom and provide a platform for individual thinking and holistic development of the child’s personality. We set standards and goals for ourselves and strive to achieve them – be it in the area of academics, sports, discipline, leadership and more.
I wish to begin with our performance on the academic front. Achieving academic excellence is at the heart of our endeavour as educators and excellence in academics is the hallmark of any good institution. The class X and XII results of our School prove without any doubt that our students have made us proud. In Classes X and XII, the result was 100% and the students performed excellently.
All India Senior School Certificate Examination: Class XII (2018-19)
All 20 students who appeared for the examination secured first class, with 9 students scoring above 90%. C.Anjana Rajan topped the Science group with a total of 466/500 (93.2%) and Eilin Maria Baiju topped the Commerce group with a total of 472/500 (94.4%), securing A1 in all subjects.
All India Secondary School Examination: Class X (2018-19)
All 30 students who appeared for the examination secured first class. 22 students secured distinction, with 13 students scoring above 90%. Riya Johnson topped the class with 483/500 (96.6%). She and Amal K.M. secured A1 grade in all subjects.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the students, teachers and parents for the efforts taken to achieve this result.
Inter school competitions:
In the interschool competitions we participated this year, our students performed exceptionally well and won the following prizes:
National Robotics Championship conducted by Cochin Refineries School, Ambalamukal on 28th & 29th June 2019:
Evin K.Biju of class VII won second prize. He is going to appear for the final round which will be held in Mumbai on 11th and 12th January 2020.
DROMOS 2019 conducted by Marthoma Public School, Kakkanad on 19th July 2019:
David Jibu Jacob of class IIIA won first prize in the Fashion Show competition.
Our boys won the first place in the Tug of War competition. I am proud to say that this is our hat trick victory and the members are:
Ben Leo Sabu, Joyal Sabu, Joseph James & Basil P. Sunny of class XI; Charis Benoy, Carison Benoy, Joshua Viswas Santhosh, Sanju S. & Joyal Jose of class XII; Richu Johny & Paulwin Joy of class IX.
SPIRITUS 2019 conducted by Sri Sri Ravishankar School, Cheppanam on 22nd August 2019 :
Our junior choir won second prize in Folk Song. Members are:
Adwaita K.A. and Jewel Feba Baiju of class IV, Angel Manoj, Namitha Sudheer, Angitha Unni, Grace Anna Binu, Chrisal Kurian Sabu and Adwaith S. Nair of class V.
Our senior choir won third prize in Fusion Song. Members are:
Maria Karimankulam & Alinta S. Alunkal of class XI, Anley Ajith, Ann Maria, Catherin Sofia Aby & Durga Sameera Sunil of class IX.
In Malayalam Versification, Sangeetha Vijay and Thanmaya Ullas of class VIII won second prize.
MISCA 2019 conducted by Mary Matha Public School, Thrikkakara on 28th September 2019:
Helna Rachel of class IV won first prize in Calligraphy.
Grace Maria James of class VIII won second prize in water colouring.
Jenny Elizabeth of class II won third prize in colouring.
Durga Sameera Sunil of class IX won first prize in collage.
Jerry Santhosh of class XI won third prize in poetry writing.
12th Santa Maria Soccer Fest 2019 conducted by Santa Maria Public School, Thoppumpady on 3rd & 4th October 2019:
Our team won the Runners Up position. Members are:
Basil P. Sunny, Joyal Sabu & Ben Leo Sabu of class XI; Paulwin Joy, Grapeson Benoy, Richu Johny, Paul Aison, Paul K. Dixen, Albin Babu, Aldrin Joy & Akshay Arun of class IX.
Mazhavillu 2019 conducted by Najath Public School, Kalamassery on 5th October 2019:
Alinta S. Alunkal & Aswathy Santi Benoy of class XI won second prize in Documentary presentation and Merin Joshy, Thanmaya Ullas & Sangeetha Vijay of class VIII won third prize in Poster Designing.
Interschool Art and Craft Competition 2019 conducted by Nalanda Public School, Thammanam on 23rd November 2019 :
John T. Thomas of class II won second prize in cotton cloth dabbing competition.
Shreddha Eldho and Rain Jose of class VII won third prize in Kalliyola collage competition.
Disparo 2K19 conducted by Mount Carmel College, Kothamangalam on 28th November 2019:
Jerry Santhosh Of class XI won first prize in English essay writing and Aleena Reji of class X won first prize in Malayalam essay writing competitions.
Intra school competitions:
Rainbow 2019: The various competitions challenging the skills of the students in oratory, writing and performance were held in the first term. Best performer awards were bagged by the following students –
LKG: Seyra Maria Laiju
UKG: Jovan Prince
Category III: Shreya Raj of class VI
Category V: Jerry Santhosh of class XI
Class Magazine: Our students proved their mettle through their class magazines, showcasing their creativity and imagination. They were valued and the prizes go as follows:
Category I (classes 1 & 2) – Class I A
Category II (classes 3 & 4) – Class III A
Category III (classes 5, 6 &7) – Class VI
Category IV (classes 8, 9 & 11) – Class IX A
Science Exhibition: The science exhibition showcased the novel ideas of the students of classes 6 – 9. The following students excelled in proving their scientific skills:
Category I – Shreya Raj of class VI in the chart section, Ruhma Baby & Malavika R. of class VI for still model and Jevone Varkey Eldhose & Felix Seby Mathew of class VII for working model.
Category II – Durga Sameera Sunil of class IX in the chart section, Chris Maria Babu & Grace Maria James of class VIII for still model and Gopikrishnan Unni of class VIII for working model.
Annual Sports: Our school playground is the place where children come together with true sportsman spirit. The values that sports teaches them are par excellence. 21st and 22nd of November 2019 witnessed our children at their best. The individual champions of this year are as follows:
LKG Boys: Rithvik John Rajeev
LKG Girls: Aline Siju
UKG Boys: Jovan prince and Mathew T. Thomas
UKG Girls: Niya Aison
Kiddies I Boys: Roy T. Thomas(IIA) Kiddies I Girls: Glory Santy (IIA)
Kiddies II Boys: Basil Aju(IIIA) Kiddies II Girls: Anisha Marium Joby (IIIB)
Sub Junior Boys: Awaith Nair (VA) Sub Junior Girls: Ruhma Baby & Elna Sara Saji (VI)
Junior Boys: Allen M. Anil(VIIIB) Junior Girls: Glena Santy(VIIA)
Senior Boys: Basil Roby (XA) Senior Girls: Aggie Maria Eldho(IXB)
Super-senior Boys: Joshua Viswas Santhosh (XIIA) & Basil P. Sunny (XIA)
Super-senior Girls: Ann Mary Anil (XIA)
A food stall was also run by our staff and students with the intention of donating the profit to the school charity programme.
Constitution day was celebrated on 26th November. A poster designing competition was conducted for which Sangeetha Vijay of class VIII won the first prize, Merin Joshy of class VIII won the second prize and Grace Maria James of class VIII won the third prize.
Other activities:
In keeping with the school’s policy of continuous upgradation of knowledge and skills, our teachers attended various workshops and seminars organized by the school, CBSE and others, so as to improve their academic transaction skills and to update their capabilities.
To instill the values of responsibility and commitment, the school has a set of student leaders who carry out the various duties allotted to them. They also set an example to the rest of the student community. The following are the office bearers of 2019-20:
Head Boy – Amal K.M. (XI)
Head Girl – Alinta S. Alunkal (XI)
Asst. Head Boy – Binil K. Joseph (IX)
Asst. Head Girl – Durga Sameera Sunil (IX)
Sports captain (Boy) – Ben Leo Sabu (XI)
Sports Captain (Girl) – Ann Mary Anil (XI)
House captains and Asst. captains –
Gandhi House: Paul Aison (XI) & Sariga Dankey (XI)
Tagore House: Mariya Karimankulam (XI) & Eldho Saju (IX)
Subhash House: Paulwin Joy (IX) & Sandramol S. (XI)
Jawahar House: Joyal Sabu (XI) & Neha P. Sujesh (IX)
Parents Teachers Association: The following parents were nominated to the various posts this year:
President – Mr. Pearl Kanneth(F/o. Elna Maria Kanneth, UKGB)
Secretary – Ms. Deepa Rajesh (M/o. Malavika R., VI)
Treasurer – Mr. Sudheer N.S. (F/o. Namitha Sudheer VA & Nihara Sudheer IA)
I would also like to take this opportunity to extend my appreciation and heartfelt thanks to our parents who came forward with different programmes for the benefit of our students:
- Mr. Sigy Antony Joseph (F/o. Elijah Tony Joseph, VIII B) who took a wonderful session on Negotiation skill development for classes XI & XII on 12th July 2019;
- Mr. Vinod N. Varghese (F/o. Aimy Maria Vinod, VII & Amy V. Njaliyath, UKG) who gave meaningful training to classes X & XII students on the Art of Living in the months of June and July 2019;
- Mr. Joby Varghese (F/o. Tone Joby Padiyil, VII & Rain Joby Padiyil, UKG) who rendered his expertise and free service in capturing beautiful pictures for our school brochure; and
- Mr. Joy V.P. (F/o. Paulwin Joy, IX) who helped the class IX students in their gardening project.
Annual Medical checkup: Much importance is given to the physical and mental health of the students. The annual medical checkup was held by a team of doctors from Wellness solutions in the month of September.
As part of SEWA( Social Empowerment through Work Education & Action), students of classes IX – XII took part in various activities:
Class IX: Swachh Vidyalaya, Swachh Bharath campaign – Students engaged in cleaning the school premises & classrooms and are planning a project on school gardening.
Class X: Being safe and responsible - Students learnt the basics of first aid and were trained practically about first aid skills. They also taught students of lower classes about different first aid techniques.
Class XI: Empathy – Students were concerned about the fate of others and willing to extend a supportive hand to those in need. This came to use in the hour of the flooding in Kerala this year. The students collected house hold materials from each student of the school and distributed them to the needy in Waynad.
They also helped the school in organizing the HOL Soccer Cup 2019, an interschool football tournament initiated by the Hub of Learning.
Class XII: Organizing sports competition for pre-primary children. The students were involved in the planning, organizing and delivering of the events.
Students of all classes were engaged in various field trips and excursions. Students of classes VIII – XII visited the Medical Exhibition, Medmerize@50, organized by the M.O.S.C. Medical College, Kolenchery.
As part of children’s day celebration, students of KG to class III spent a full-filled day in Subhash Park, Ernakulam, while students of classes IV – X explored the historical museum and premises of Hill Palace, Tripunitura.
Excursions were organized for all classes to places like Farm Sanctuary, Thiruvankulam; Kapprikkadu, Bhootathankettu, Malampuzha,Munnar, Kalathil Resort(Vaikom) & Ooty.
The three day book fair conducted by United Books was a grand success with students, teachers and parents enjoying opportunities to browse and purchase books.
All major festivals were celebrated and important days observed where students participated enthusiastically and imbibed the essence of each occasion.
In this world of stress and strain, it is important to cater to the mental health of our students. Hence, we have a full time counsellor who renders timely counselling help to the students to have a holistic approach towards life. We have also arranged special programmes for students appearing for the Board examination by external professionals to combat their stress and prepare better.
To balance themselves in the world, our students are given training in yoga and karate. Meditation aids in developing better concentration and grasping skill in the students. The self defense techniques involved in karate help boost the morale of the students. This year, grading of the students was conducted and several students received the belts.
Academic excellence matters a lot. More focus has been laid on improving the marks of the students right from standard One. Mid- term assessments, term end assessments, Open houses, model examinations, staff meetings, class-wise parent-teacher meetings have all taken place systematically. Parents have been encouraged to interact with the teachers every Wednesday (except the first Wednesday of the month) after school hours to get regular updates about their children’s performance and behaviour.
We have a number of prizes and scholarships awarded to the children every year. This year’s James V. Mark Memorial Cup for the best house has been won by Tagore House with 476 points. The Runner-up cup goes to Jawahar House with 412 points.
Prof. M.C. George Memorial prize for the Physics topper for the year 2018-2019 goes to Ms. C. Anjana Rajan.
Sandra Sabu Memorial scholarship has been awarded to Anna Biju of class V B.
Academic excellence: We are awarding prizes to students from KG to class XII who have shown their proficiency in academics this year.
The following students have exhibited outstanding performance in academics:
LKG - Marit Ajeesh & Aparna Narayanan
UKG - Anjana Pillai & Harigovind R.
Class I – Abhidev Ajeesh, Adrian Len Mendez, Angel P. Sunny, Joel Joby, Jesty E. Tiji, Joseph Mathew P.H., Gouri Sreekumar, Ishan Varghese Shajan, K. Devadarsh & Arya K.A.
Class II – Abel John Nino, Roy T. Thomas, John T. Thomas & Sruthiga Dankey
Class III – Sredha Raj, Devika Anoop & Adelia Vandanath
Class IV – Elmy Joshy, Ashly Susan Shajan,Serah Ullas, Helna Rachel Shybu & Basil Thampi
Class V – Sanjana Rajan & Anna Maria Anish
Class VI – Shreya Raj
Class VII – Kesia Maria Reji & Benvy Vijayan
Class VIII – Merin Joshy & Sangeetha Vijay
Class IX – Sona Mary Joly & Basil Biju
Class X – Jovita Sara Biju & Anjana Giridas
Class XI Science stream – Riya Johnson
Class XI Commerce stream – Femi Emmanuel
Class XII Science stream – Soja Alias
Class XII Commerce stream – Nitya Annah Saji
At the close of the annual report, I would like to thank the supportive management whose continuous support to our ideology of education has enabled the school to come this far. Teachers and the entire staff members also deserve applause for their tireless efforts in implementing the route map of imparting quality education here. I also extend my heartfelt thanks to the parents of our students who have shown unflinching faith in us by giving us the profound opportunity to transform their children into truly useful citizens of the future world.
Many milestones have been achieved and many still have to be reached. We, at Hagia Sophia, will continue our unceasing efforts to mould the young minds into well balanced personalities with confidence and zeal, befitting the standards of this portal of education. This report is a sincere attempt to showcase our progress in terms of achievements and activities during the year. We humbly salute our visionary leaders of the past and the great ones of the present and seek divine grace and blessings to guide us in all our endeavours.
Let us foresee a world of universal singularity where our children are going to be the propellant of this change and the world shall be a beautiful place to live in..!!!
Thank you very much!!!!!